How are School Trusts Led?
In multi-academy trusts (MATs), we aim to balance strategic oversight at the trust level with operational leadership at the school level.
Trust-Level Leadership (Central Leadership Team often known as Executive Team)
This group oversees all schools within the MAT, ensuring consistency, financial stability, and strategic direction.
a) CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
- The highest-ranking executive responsible for the overall vision, strategy, and success of the MAT.
- Reports to the Board of Trustees.
- Leads on educational standards, financial sustainability, and growth strategy.
- Represents the MAT to government bodies (e.g., the DfE, Ofsted, and ESFA).
- Supports and challenges headteachers and school leadership teams.
b) CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
- Manages the financial health of the MAT, including budgeting, funding, and compliance.
- Ensures financial efficiency and adherence to the Academy Trust Handbook.
c) COO (Chief Operating Officer)
- Oversees non-academic operations, such as HR, estates management, IT, and legal compliance.
d) Director of Education
- Ensures high standards of teaching and learning across all schools.
- Leads on curriculum development, assessment, and school improvement.
e) Other Central Roles (Varies by MAT)
- Director of HR/People – leads the development and delivery of SEEAT's People Strategy focusing on things like recruitment and staff wellbeing.
- Head of Estates – manages buildings, health & safety, and expansion projects.
- Head of IT & Digital Strategy – leads technology initiatives, cybersecurity, and digital learning.
- Head of SEND & Inclusion – oversees special educational needs and disability (SEND) provision.
School-Level Leadership (Individual Schools)
Each academy within the MAT has its own leadership team, reporting to both the MAT central leadership and the local governing body.
a) Headteacher
- Leads the school’s day-to-day operations.
- Reports to the CEO.
- Accountable for academic performance and leadership of the school.
b) Deputy Headteachers
- Support the Headteacher in curriculum, behaviour, staff development, and assessment.
- Often have specific responsibilities, e.g., Pastoral Care or Teaching & Learning.
c) Assistant Headteachers
- Focus on specific areas like SEND, data & assessment or behaviour.
d) School Business Manager (in some bigger schools)
- Oversees finance, HR, and operations at the school level, reporting to the CFO or COO at the trust level.