South East Essex Academy Trust

Our Mission, Vision & Values

SEEAT Mission 

To raise and sustain educational standards in our schools through high aspirations for all. 

SEEAT Vision

To be the Trust of choice: 

  • First for pupils 
  • First for parents 
  • First for staff 

Our vision is to be a family of schools that works together to deliver educational excellence based on the things that matter to us. We want collaboration and sharing best practice to be at the heart of everything we do.

In order to deliver educational excellence, we need to recruit and retain the best people to work in our schools. We will seek to listen to our employees, prioritise their wellbeing and professional development and ensure all our schools are positive places to work.

Our Values


This is our character, our personality, our heart. At SEEAT, the development of character building is just as important to us as academic success. We want everyone who is involved with our schools to be people who respect their local community, each other and demonstrate the right attitude. 


We believe that effort is a key component to success and achievement. To be able to be resilient and overcome adversity enables pupils and staff to exceed expectations and tackle any challenges they may face in their academic, personal and professional journey. 


Whatever SEEAT school you go to, we want our pupils to have an experience that has been designed specifically for them, providing them with opportunities to develop as individuals alongside their academic studies. This might be through leadership opportunities, fundraising, trips, the chance to go above and beyond within particular subject areas and developing skills and hobbies for life. 


We expect everyone to aim high and set challenging short and long-term goals for themselves. We aim for all pupils to understand the path to achieving their goal, and to understand how to achieve the grades needed through making above expected progress both in their SAT’s and in their GCSE and A level subjects. 


In simple terms, it is the recognition that the team not the individual will make the difference - always. And for pupils, we can use our SEEAT Enrichment programme to develop great teamwork.

