South East Essex Academy Trust

What are School Trusts?

Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) are education charities that run schools to give children the best possible education.  They are run independently of the Local Authority and funded by central government. A MAT is legally accountable for the financial and educational performance of each school and for reporting these to the Government.

South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT) is a family of nine schools working together to improve and maintain high educational standards. For details of the schools in our family, click on the "Our Schools" tab on the main menu above.

As a family of schools, we improve your child’s education by sharing ideas, resources and expertise with each other. 

Like any other state school, our schools are free to attend, we’re inspected in the same way, and children take the same tests and exams.  We have a funding agreement with the Department for Education that sets out what we must deliver for the public money we receive and our priority is to provide the best possible education  

MATs are governed by Trustees and Members, who set strategy and hold leaders to account. To find out more about how we are governed, look at the main Governance page of this website. 
